IPL hair removal treatments are becoming increasingly popular for use in medical and cosmetic procedures. These include acne, varicose veins, and tattoo removal. Treatments utilising light are also becoming common for treating psoriasis, seasonal affective disorder, and so on. Hair removal or reduction is just one of many uses of lasers.
When scientists and doctors using IPL for treating skin problems noticed a loss of bodily hair, IPL’s potential as a hair removal method came to light. Intense pulsed light proved to be an effective method of hair removal in the 1990s. Hence, IPL machines began to be developed and marketed for this purpose. The first machine gained approval for use in 1996 in the USA.

IPL technology has since expanded and improved, developing methods of laser hair removal, IPL hair removal, LHE (light heat energy) hair removal, and more. IPL treatments are available at clinics and salons all around the country. Rapidly growing in popularity, it is now the third most common cosmetic treatment in the USA in 2010. The latest innovation in IPL is at-home IPL technology that comes in the form of an IPL handset. This IPL handset can be bought by anyone for home-based IPL treatment.
Titan’s premium and lite hair removal devices are affordable, efficient, and compact! Given this rich history, there has never been a better time than now to get your own IPL device here.
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